Diplomatic Shortcuts

The German designer Johannes Tolk, together with his colleague Doris Wietfeldt will run the Diplomatic Shortcuts workshop. The aim is to work with the local community and context, engaging in the topics that reflect the local needs.

Within the workshop, the goal is to use design as a tool to create dialogue. According to the workshop’s facilitators, people are surrounded by culture, but have lost their ability to consider and reflect upon it. Culture forms the way we communicate and interact with others and determines the way we perceive our surroundings. The question is how culture can solve issues related to the differences between people. Through creative approaches, the participants in the workshop will go through a learning process that will open them up towards the emotional and cognitive aspects of our everyday culture. This teaches them to develop and use design methodology to initiate dialogue when confronted with differences.

Johannes Tolk is an artist and designer. He graduated design communication and media art at the University of Art and Design in Karlsruhe, Germany, and later spent time in Bulgaria to complete his Master’s project for cultural diplomacy. His publications are displayed in exhibitions in New York, Sao Paulo, Tokyo, Sofia, Thessaloniki, Berlin and others.

The workshop will take place from June 5th to June 12th.

The outcomes will be presented on June 13th ,17:00-18:00 in Lotus Hall, “Hr.G.Danov” 34 str.

Registration at: workshops@onedesignweek.com

For more information here.


With the support of  Embassy of the Federative Republic of Germany.

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